News Hounds

Today I received a box from the USA. It contained my book. My first ever forray in to the world of writing for a publisher who wasn’t, well, me! It’s been probably about a year since the book was completed, so unlike when the magazine comes back from the printer and the fatigue of working…

Chloe’s Birthday

Yesterday it was Chloe’s birthday. She was 10. As the editor of a highly successfull dog magazine, I get sent a lot of free dog products. My dogs are spoiled in that department. So why was a trip to the shop required to buy Chloe a bag full of shiny, squeaky things to ‘celebrate’ her…

Launches – They’re Like an Interesting Car Journey

I love launches. I think I love the launch of a new product or service almost as much as when a business venture starts to become successful. They’re hard work but it’s the unknown that makes it so exciting. I suppose it’s like a car journey. When you set out to go to a new…