My Life Has Been a Lie

It’s for times like this that I am grateful to have a personal blog, an outlet to record the little moments in my life that manage to annoy and amuse at the same time, they ammoy me. So here’s the thing. Barclays Bank tell me I’m a great customer. So good in fact, I’m a…

Why Do I Buy The Stuff I Buy?

I am, shall we say, a careful purchaser of goods and services. I spend a lot of time researching the stuff I buy. A LOT of time. I want to be right. I HATE to waste my hard earned cash on rubbish. Not only that, I want to buy stuff that actually does what I…

Dangerous Dogs Debate: Mia & Me on 5 News

Cheeky Mia became the first Rottweiler to take a seat on Natasha Kaplinsky’s sofa. She behaved herself, as she always does when on TV, and didn’t trump once. Note my ‘Rescue Me’ by T-shirt. I am lucky enough to have a limited edition, one-of-a-kind sample and it attracted a lot of interest from some…

Chloe on Camera

Testing a new camera and I appear to have actually taken a photo of Chloe were she doesn’t look like a simpleton (which she isn’t, she just insists on taking photos like one). Chloe examines something:

BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour

I’m trying to gather all my press clippings in one place so I can have a record of them when the day comes that all media refuse to speak to me and my life becomes a shell of an existence no longer defined by the absurd notion that I carry about with me that because…

Pink Dog Poo

Apparently….. It is the scourge of communities across Scotland and beyond, and no council has escaped censure for failing to clean up its act. Now one local authority has unveiled a novel solution to the problem of dog dirt — spraying it bright pink in a bid to shame guilty owners. But, according ‘Ryan O’Mara’,…

Radio Nottingham Paper Review

MPs expenses, a council spending £5,000 to prosecute a lady for a single sweet wrapper that fell out of her car, a postal worker complains about a 7lb kitten and a speed camera that has illegally fined motorists to the tune of £1.5m. Plus the obligatory dig at UK’s dangerous dogs laws! [display_podcast]

News Hounds

Today I received a box from the USA. It contained my book. My first ever forray in to the world of writing for a publisher who wasn’t, well, me! It’s been probably about a year since the book was completed, so unlike when the magazine comes back from the printer and the fatigue of working…

BBC Working Lunch

An interesting day. Filming for BBC Working Lunch programme – to air in a couple of weeks – discussing online business, the digital revolution and how to make money out of the WWW. Probably put a good 3 hours of filming in. That will end up as 3 minutes! Yesterday I did some filming (again…

Chloe’s Birthday

Yesterday it was Chloe’s birthday. She was 10. As the editor of a highly successfull dog magazine, I get sent a lot of free dog products. My dogs are spoiled in that department. So why was a trip to the shop required to buy Chloe a bag full of shiny, squeaky things to ‘celebrate’ her…