Little Ginger Chloe on BBLB
She’s such a sweetheart. Chloe and her happy face on an episode of Big Brother’s Little Brother with Dermot O’Leary.
She’s such a sweetheart. Chloe and her happy face on an episode of Big Brother’s Little Brother with Dermot O’Leary.
If you own a pet brand and would like to get more people to visit your website, take a look at petbuzz. petbuzz is a search optimisation service dedicated entirely to the pet industry. I am a co-founder of the venture and the service we provide is supported by more than two decades delivering organic…
I’m trying to become more of a record keeper. I’m normally terrible at writing things down and keeping a track of things that have now passed. I prefer to look forward rather than back. However, I’ve decided that’s no excuse for poor record keeping so I’m going to try and change that. Starting with an…
Today I made my second appearance on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Woman’s Hour’ radio show. The topic was related to the recent book ‘Dogs in Vogue’ which is, as it happens, a very nice book – amazing shots (as you’d expect) and in my opinion didn’t portray dogs as fashion accessories at all.
For some former print titles, the switch to digital edition is a step into the unknown, is not always done for the right reasons, and is done with little imagination. For K9 Magazine, a print title from an overwhelmingly digital stable, it was like coming home. Ryan O’Meara explains why they ditched their flagship print…
These are not technically business books. However, they are two of the most important books I’ve ever read and form the basis for so, so much of the principles for growth and prosperity. They are, to my mind, in the must read category and should be compulsory reading for young people as soon as they’re…
Today’s media has been two dog items for BBC Three Counties (always a pleasure) and 4FM, an Irish-based station which described itself to me as a ‘the offspring of what would happen if Jeremy Vine and Chris Evans had a baby’. The Three Counties piece was an item on the importance and value of socialisation…
News International? Time Warner? Nope. Neither. It’s………… ……JP Morgan Chase! Knock me down with a feather. I would have never have got that question right in a pub quiz. But it’s true. Just heard it on Bloomberg. What next? Am I going to find out that the largest manufacturer of running shoes is not Nike…
I still remember when the Thriller video got its TV premier. It was such a big deal. Like, really a big deal. It didn’t fall short either. The hype was worthy. But how, in these days of media saturation, overnight celebrity and more brand launches in a week than you used to get in a…
The first business book I would like to mention as being truly inspirational is called “Ready, Fire, Aim” and is written by Michael Masterson. The reason I particularly liked this book is because its key, central message is something I could relate to in myself and is something I can see – all too often…